Sunday, May 24

President Donald Trump has no public events on his schedule today and is expected to remain in the White House with the first family. With the ongoing coronavirus…

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Absolute Truth

New studies reveal growing concern about the moral condition of the nation…

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Authorities Reemphasize Caution During Holiday

As Memorial Day draws near, officials recall prior pandemic vacations that created hot beds. Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber is one of many vacation destination political leaders who…

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Employment Turnaround Coming Soon, White House Says

A fourth round of stimulus should help get things moving. White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett said Friday that June could mark a turning point in massive joblessness…

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President Proposes In-Person G7 Summit

He surprises world leaders with invitation to Washington. President Trump  has issued an invitation to the G7 leaders to attend the summit in June in person in Washington,…

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Senate Confirms New Secretary of the Navy

Kenneth Braithwaite fills position that was open for months.  On Friday, the Senate voted to confirm President Trump’s pick to be in charge of the Navy. Kenneth Braithwaite…

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Saturday, May 23

During Friday’s briefing, President Donald Trump said that “In America, we need more prayer, not less.” This acknowledgement of the power of prayer came as part of the…

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Unconditional Love

If you’ve ever been robbed, wounded, or betrayed, you know it’s difficult…

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Make Wise Decisions

Proverbs 1:5 – Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance. God’s Word has much to say about making good choices…

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Houses of Worship are “Essential,” President Says

He called on governors to allow them to open “right now.” The new CDC guidelines will classify houses of worship as “essential,” President Trump stated Friday. He announced…

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