Vice President Praises America’s Response

Expressed thankfulness for the nation’s response to the federal guidelines. As part of the Coronavirus Task Force Briefing on Tuesday, Vice President Pence said businesses large and small…

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President Joins 700 Pastors to Pray

“Thank you for praying,” he told them. Last Friday, President Trump heard that Vice President Pence was about to join a conference call with 700 pastors scheduled to…

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James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial. Ray Boltz is a  songwriter and performer whose contemporary Christian music includes stories of faith and…

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Day 44

Day 44 Here I am. I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in. – Revelation 3:20…

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At War

Attend any major holiday or celebratory parade, or even a small street parade on the Island of Bermuda…

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Wednesday, March 25

This morning, President Donald Trump will meet with members of the intelligence community and receive his intelligence briefing. They will update him on any pressing issues of national…

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Director Kudlow Calls for Phase 3 of Stimulus

The legislation is urgently needed to bolster the economy. During Tuesday’s White House Coronavirus briefing, Director of the United States National Economic Council Larry Kudlow said that negotiations…

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Congress Grappling with Its Voting Mechanics

House has no confidence in system security. In the current era of social distancing and while Congress is at work on a massive relief bill to stem the…

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Tuesday Virus Task Force Briefing

President says “America needs to be a truly independent nation.” President Trump said that America is beginning to see the “light at the end of the tunnel,” as…

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Fed Commits to Aid Markets Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

National Bank will buy unlimited government-backed loans. The Federal Reserve announced on Monday that it would be taking even more drastic measures to shore up the U.S. economy…

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