Issue 431

March 26th – April 1st, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION Larry Kudlow, the president’s top economic adviser, said the White House is working to determine…

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Day 43

Day 43 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying…

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Insufficient Senators On Board for $2T Package

Senators from both sides of aisle still want fixes. Problems exist with a drafting error on the coronavirus stimulus package that would encourage layoffs and risk life-threatening consequences…

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Former FBI Agent Presumed Dead in Iranian Custody

Robert Levinson has been missing since 2007. A retired FBI agent and private investigator who disappeared from an Iranian island in 2007, is believed to have died in…

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Task Force Briefing for Wednesday

Making progress against COVID-19. President Trump said America continues to gain ground in the fight against the coronavirus. We want to get back to normal as quickly as…

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White House and Congress Agree on Virus Stimulus Package

$2 trillion in aid apportioned to citizens, companies, and local governments Early on Wednesday morning, members of Congress and the White House agreed on the contents of a…

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Scientists Offer Hopeful News on Vaccine

COVID-19 not mutating as many influenza viruses do. Dr. Jeanette Nesheiwat, a regular television commentator on the coronavirus, said scientists who have examined the genetic code of the…

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New Home Sales Drop in February

 4.4% drop due to the end of winter and COVID-19. The Commerce Department released the nation’s housing numbers on Tuesday, revealing the beginning of the effects of COVID-19…

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FDA Approves Blood Plasma Virus Treatment

Highest-risk patients will be considered. The Food and Drug Administration has now approved the use of blood plasma from people who have survived COVID-19 to treat the most…

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Senate and White House Reach $2T Deal

Treasury secretary said the president is “pleased.” The White House and Senate leaders reached a deal in the wee hours of Wednesday morning on a massive stimulus package…

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