Fear Not!

God reassured the Israelites that He was with them when they followed pillars of cloud by day and fire by night…

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Day 36

Day 36 Jesus said, ‘My prayer is not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one.’  John 7:15 Father,…

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President Briefs Country on Coronavirus

Hospital facilities have been erected rapidly and National Guard is active. President Trump opened his coronavirus update saying, “This is a very violent and contagious disease, and we…

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Defense Department Takes on Drug Cartels

Narcotics traffickers taking advantage of pandemic opportunity. “America continues to wage all-out war to defeat this horrible virus”, President Trump said as he began the task force briefing.…

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President Pushes for Infrastructure Package

Hopes to revitalize the struggling economy On Tuesday President Trump began promoting a new $2 trillion infrastructure package that is aimed at bringing laid-off Americans back to work…

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IRS Releases Additional Information on Relief Checks

Funds expected to be deposited within three weeks.  The IRS released updated information on Monday, detailing how the recently enacted stimulus relief bill would be rolling out to…

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Putin Airlifts Coronavirus Aid to U.S.

President Trump gratefully accepted the help. A Russian military aircraft loaded with medical equipment took of from outside Moscow Wednesday bound for the U.S. In a recent conversation between…

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Mitigation Working According to Early Results

Though, it is “not the time to take your foot of the accelerator,” according to Dr. Anthony Fauci. During the White House Coronovirus Task Force briefing on today,…

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The Apple Technique

Psalm 34:17 – When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. A University in England has released what it…

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Wednesday, April 1

Today, President Donald Trump will take part in a call with military families regarding the U.S. response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The president has called upon the U.S.…

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