U.S. Offers Iran Sanction Waivers

Certain countries will be able to continue to work in nuclear sector. On Monday the White House renewed waivers on sanctions against Iran, to help nations around the…

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More Than 8,700 Recoveries from Virus Reported

Johns Hopkins University has tracked the virus since late December. The number of COVID-19 cases across the globe continues to climb, and the numbers are astonishing. But, recoveries…

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President to Meet with Oil Executives Friday

Companies large and small are dealing with the historic price crash. Leaders from the oil industry will be meeting with President Trump at the White House on Friday.…

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Dr. Birx Says China Virus Data Misled World

Incomplete information from China delayed world’s response. The Chinese government has been underreporting the outbreak of the coronavirus in its country, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a…

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Stem Cell Therapy Could Work Against Virus

Researchers are on the forefront of finding treatments. The coronavirus has killed more than 4,500 people in the United States as of Wednesday morning. The race remains strong…

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Woody Johnson, U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Ambassador Johnson wrote in an editorial regarding the COVID-19 virus, “When the crisis finally abates we should take stock of the outcome and evaluate the costs of this breakdown in international collaboration.”

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Chris Van Hollen, U.S. Senator from Maryland

Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland critiqued the chamber in a floor speech that the District of Columbia has been underfunded in the large stimulus package.

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Judge James Boasberg D.C. Circuit U.S. District Court

Judge James Boasberg has ordered further environmental analysis in a 42-page decision that favors opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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General Jay Raymond, Commander, U.S. Space Force

As the United States deals with uncertainties surrounding physical and financial health, the Space Force is moving forward with its first mission.

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Issue 432

April 2nd – April 8th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency-use authorization for a pair of anti-malaria drugs…

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