Your Rescue Mission

1 Peter 3:15 – In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason…

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Task Force Briefing for Wednesday

The outlook is improving with medicine and protective gear available. President Trump discussed incoming medical supplies that will help to rebuild the American stockpile. He enumerated many of…

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Senator Sanders Suspends Race for President

“Our movement has won the ideological struggle,” he said. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced Wednesday that he was suspending his second bid for the presidential nomination of the…

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First Lady Thanks Those on the Front Lines

“We salute your courageous and compassionate efforts.” First Lady Melania Trump released a brief video message of appreciation directed to the medical personnel and other front-line responders fighting…

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Don’t Relax Social Distancing, Dr. Birx Says

Relaxing on the guidelines could bring a second wave of the virus. Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator for the White House’s coronavirus task force, said that, although the…

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Nation Surpasses 10,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Virus 10 times worse than the flu. The number of confirmed deaths due to the COVID-19 virus in the United States surpassed 10,000 on Monday according to a…

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Virus Survivor Credits Prayer for Recovery

God had other plans. Dan Burke, a Christian author, has survived the coronavirus. His recovery was miraculous given that he had a lifelong lung condition. He was hospitalized,…

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Kayleigh McEnany Becomes New Press Secretary

Stephanie Grisham returns to First Lady’s staff. President Trump will add three new public relations staff members to the White House West Wing. Kayleigh McEnany will become the…

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Wednesday, April 8

President Donald Trump will take part in a conference call with various state, local, and tribal leaders concerning the response to and national effort to mitigate the spread…

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Outward Pleasure vs. Inner Assurance

Many may tell you that joy is the absence of sorrow and that peace is the absence of war…

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