Friday, April 10

President Donald Trump will meet with Bishop Harry Jackson this morning. The bishop is the lead pastor of Hope Church in Beltsville, Maryland, and a leader of The…

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Job 8:21 – He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting. American humorist Mark Twain is credited with saying, “Humor is the great…

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Day 28

Day 28 “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:41 Father, sometimes in…

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Good News

A. Moody Stuart, a Scottish pastor wrote, “She was privileged to follow Jesus to Jerusalem…

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Presidential Briefing for Thursday

Coronavirus strategies are working, mental health is now included in the focus. The president’s daily briefing began later than usual on Thursday, as reporters who enter the briefing…

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Lawmakers Block Senate Bid to Aid Small Businesses

Senate adjourns until Monday. Conflicting ideas swirled around in the Senate that resulted in blocking plans to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to help small businesses. Senate…

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Modly Resigns as Acting Secretary of Navy

“Putting the Navy and the sailors above self,” said Defense Secretary Esper. Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly submitted his resignation just days after he dismissed the captain of…

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Rockets Hit U.S. Airbase in Afghanistan

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. Rockets were fired early Thursday at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. The Islamic State said it was behind the five rockets, according…

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Inspector General in Charge of Stimulus Oversight Removed

President says he will act as overseer of COVID-19 relief. On Tuesday, President Trump made the decision to remove Glenn Fine, the acting Defense Department inspector general who…

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President Talks with Nation’s Faith Leaders

“We’re going to beat this plague,” he said. On the eve of Passover and the middle of Holy Week, President Trump told religious leaders on Wednesday that “we…

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