Tribes Protest as Keystone Pipeline Construction Resumes

Issue brought to federal judge during 4 hour hearing. On March 31, oil company TC Energy announced that they would be resuming construction on the greatly debated Keystone…

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Swiss Show Solidarity with U.S.

The Matterhorn lights up with American flag. The famous Matterhorn peak in the Swiss Alps was illuminated with an American flag this week in a show of solidarity…

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Amazon Suspends Price-Gouging Sellers

Half a million products were involved. Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, told his investors that he has kicked out more than 6,000 sellers from the website…

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Members of Congress Affected by COVID-19

Over 50 lawmakers under self-quarantine in recent months. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be combatted around the nation, members of Congress have also fought personal battles against…

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Hope and Prepare

1 Peter 1:13 – Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the…

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Everybody is taking something…

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Sunday, April 19

Today, President Donald Trump will be staying at the White House in Washington, D.C. While he and the first family will look to spend a few hours together…

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Day 19

Day 19 “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in faith.” – Psalm 145:18 There is no time, O…

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U.S. Soldiers at Fort Bragg Produce Masks for Personnel

Protective equipment necessary for all at currently functioning army base. With infection-protective gear such in such short supply, workers at essential operations find themselves at much greater risk…

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No Need to Wipe Down Food Packaging, FDA Says

No evidence of virus transmission, they say. There is no need to wipe down your grocery packages when you bring them home, according to a new directive issued…

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