Coronavirus Task Force Briefing for Tuesday

Testing is vital to getting the country reopened. President Trump met with reporters in the White House Briefing Room on Tuesday. He began with love and prayers of…

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Travel Bans Extended with Canada and Mexico

President Trump promises additional immigration measures. As the economic ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic loom large in the mind of many officials in Washington, President Trump announced on…

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Senate Holds Extra Tuesday Session

Both parties seek to pass more COVID-19 aid On Tuesday, Senate leaders agreed to hold an unplanned meeting in order to pass the next round of COVID-19 aid.…

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FDA Authorizes Home Test-Sampling Kit

More testing could lead to getting local economies reopened. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first at-home COVID-19 virus sample-collection kits under an Emergency Use Authorization.…

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“Worst is Yet Ahead,” WHO Head Says

President Trump is redirecting WHO funding. The head of the World Health Organization, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyyes, told reporters in Geneva on Monday that “the worst is yet…

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Interior Department Announces Funding for Oregon Counties

$28 million for infrastructure, health, and education committed.  The Department of the Interior announced on Thursday of last week that $28 million would be distributed to 18 counties…

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Tuesday, April 21

President Donald Trump will be staying in Washington, D.C. today. He announced Monday that he would soon be signing an executive order to suspend immigration into the United…

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It’s So Tempting

1 Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your…

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Sailing through Darkness

NASA’s Apollo 13 flight was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 11, 1970…

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Day 17

Day 17 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” – James 1:5…

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