Census Bureau to Launch Virus Survey

Questions seek glimpse of life in pandemic. Over the next three months, the Census Bureau will track changes among small businesses and the American public due to the…

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Jovita Carranza, Administrator, Small Business Administration

The vast majority of the payroll loans to small businesses, 74 percent of them, were for under $150,000, according to the head of the Small Business Administration.

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Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas

The two U.S. Senators from Texas are among others calling for the quick reopening of parts of the economy shuttered by the coronavirus pandemic, but warning that it won’t be an instantaneous return to normal.

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Judge John W. Broomes, Kansas U.S. District Court

Federal Judge John W. Broomes blocked an order by the Kansas governor which limited attendance to in-person church services.

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Issue 435

April 23rd – April 29th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION President Trump has instructed his Administration to “make funds available” to oil companies that are…

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Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense

The Pentagon and the Department of Transportation issued a joint statement “strongly opposing” an FCC decision that they say would “cripple” GPS networks.

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Time to Shine

1 John 1:5 – This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at…

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Thursday, April 23

President Donald Trump has no public events on his agenda today and will remain in Washington, D.C. He has negotiated with Congress to get further funding for the…

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Day 15

Day 15 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love You!” – Psalm 122:6 Jerusalem, O God, is where You have placed Your own…

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Can you imagine living in ancient times where calibration of measuring devices was primitive…

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