Day 8

Day 8 “Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success.” – Psalm 118:25 O God, only You know the way to a truly…

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It’s been said “the whole world is a banana peel, so you better learn how to fall.” Advice from professional stunt-people agrees…

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Major General Michael Turello, Commander, Combined Task Force-Horn of Africa

The head of U.S. forces in East Africa declared a public health emergency due to the coronavirus for the several thousand American troops, civilians and contractors based in Djibouti.

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Issue 436

April 30th – May 6th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the federal government will spend more money to fund states,…

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Thursday, April 30

President Donald Trump will meet with Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey today in Washington, D.C. President Trump declared a state of emergency for New Jersey in late…

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No State Hits 14-Day Decline Benchmark

Some states reopening regardless. Federal guidelines for states to reopen safely amid the COVID-19 pandemic recommend that there be a decline in reported cases for 14 consecutive days.…

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Senate Seeks Additional Relief for Farmers

Agriculture Department warns of low demand for meat. On Monday, Senate Agriculture Appropriations Chairman John Hoeven expressed that he would be seeking an additional $20 billion of funding…

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Virus Return Near Certainty, Dr. Fauci Says

World Health Organization calls a return later in the year inevitable. Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke to the Economic Club of Washington on a Zoom call Tuesday. When asked…

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Interior Department Releases Statement on National Parks

Secretary Bernhart expresses desire to reopen as soon as possible. The Department of the Interior released a statement from Secretary Bernhardt over the weekend regarding the reopening of…

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Supreme Court Issues Opinions

Cases determine Congressional reimbursements and State copyright law. On Monday, the Supreme Court issued their opinions in three cases: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v.…

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