Reason for Existence

“In the beginning, God…”

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Three-Part Recipe for Inner Peace

Romans 12:12 – Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. In kitchens across America, people are looking for simple, three-ingredient recipes to feed their…

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Day 7

Day 7 “I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be…

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Speaker Names Virus Stimulus Oversight Panel

Seven House members are all partisans. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named seven lawmakers to a committee tasked with overseeing coronavirus stimulus money. The move comes after reports surfaced…

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Virus Vaccine Could be Ready by September

Oxford University began clinical trials last week. Scientists at Oxford University have already begun testing a potential coronavirus vaccine in humans. They believe that, if proven successful, it…

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States with Sanctuary-Cities Might Not Receive Aid

“If it’s COVID related,” the president will talk about it. President Trump said he might withhold federal coronavirus aid from any states that refuse to comply with federal…

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Council on Native American Affairs Re-established

Interior Department to increase cooperation with Indian Nations. The Department of the Interior announced on Tuesday that the White House would be re-establishing the White House Council on…

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Brendan Carr, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission

“We should be doing a top-to-bottom review of all entities potentially under the thumb of the [Chinese] Communist regime,” FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said.

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Jodey Arrington, U.S. Representative for Texas

Representative Jodey Arrington said he agreed on the need for some oversight of the relief funds going out due to the coronavirus pandemic, but does not believe another commission is warranted.

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Judge Roger Benitez, Southern California U.S. District Court

A federal judge in California blocked a state law requiring background checks for every ammunition purchase, saying it violated the Second Amendment.

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