
There are few celebrations in the world that can equal the coronation of a monarch…

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Day 3

Day 3 “For this reason, I kneel before the Father. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in…

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World Leaders Pledge Billions for Virus Vaccine

Effort must be sustained over time. A video-conference summit was held Monday among world leaders, who have together pledged billions of euros for research to find a vaccine…

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Senators Return to Capitol Hill

Social distancing rules to be put in place.  On Monday, the Senate returned to Washington D.C. in order to bring a new session to order amid the third…

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White House to Ease Social Distancing Guidelines

Travel restrictions remain in place through May. On Thursday of last week, the White House announced that federal COVID-19 social distancing guidelines would not be extended into the…

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FDA Clears First COVID-19 Drug for Emergency Use

“Important clinical advancement” cleared with “lightning speed.” The intravenous drug developed by Gilead Science had shown in group studies to reduce COVID-19 hospitalization from a 15 day average…

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Public Housing Bolstered by Second Wave of Relief

HUD Secretary announces the allocation of funds to assist low-income Americans. Over half a million dollars was made available to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development…

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Day 4

Day 4 “My heart says of You, ‘Seek His face! Your face, Lord, I will seek.’” –  Psalm 27:8 Lord, today I sing, “Oh, I want to know…

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Finger Painting

In Psalm 8, David reveals that every molecule of creation points to God’s power…

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Monday, May 4

Today, President Donald Trump and his administration will continue to work on the reopening of the country. The president held a virtual townhall from the Lincoln Memorial yesterday…

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