Judge Refuses to Drop Collegiate Bribery Charges

Attempts by parents to block recordings as evidence in court also denied. More than 50 high-profile parents were charged last year in the wake of an investigation into…

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VP Discusses the Importance of Religious Gatherings

In Iowa, Vice President Pence describes lack of gatherings as “a source of heartache.” As President Trump and Vice President Pence return to traveling around the country, the…

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House Lawmakers Launch “China Task Force”

They will look at breadth of China’s influence in U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced the formation of a “China Task Force” to coordinate a strategy against…

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Bureau of Reclamation Sends Letter to California

Criticizes state for new water plan. On Wednesday the Bureau of Reclamation within the Department of the Interior sent a letter to the state of California regarding the…

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Finding Rest

Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Have the days of coronavirus lockdown made you “stir-crazy?”…

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Sunday, May 10

Happy Mother’s Day! President Donald Trump has no public events scheduled for today. On Friday, the president issued a Proclamation for Mother’s Day, that included the following: “The…

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Priceless Heritage

The attack upon America’s Judeo-Christian foundation has been primarily organized from within the nation…

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Players Coalition Requests Federal Investigation

Letter sent to Attorney General requests help from FBI in Arbery shooting case. Disheartened by the apparent delays displayed by the state prosecutors of Georgia, the Players Coalition…

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Justice Department Drops Michael Flynn Case

President Trump praises Attorney General Barr for decision. On Thursday, the Justice Department announced that it would no longer be pursuing the criminal case against President Trump’s former…

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President Responds to 14.7% Unemployment

The economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April. The Labor Department released new unemployment data on Friday that shows the nation lost 20.5 million total jobs in April…

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