Building Project

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. One of the businesses that was considered essential during the…

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Congress Asks Administration to Stop ICC Investigations

Bipartisan group says the international court is politically motivated. Last week a group of lawmakers from the Senate and House of Representatives sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…

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International Health Ministers Call for Virus Investigation

Over 100 countries call for UN to investigate WHO. More than 100 health ministers from around the world have called for an independent evaluation of the World Health…

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FBI Connects Terrorism to Pensacola Shooting

Attacker’s phone encryption broken to reveal al Qaeda link. The aviation trainee from the Saudi Air Force who killed three American sailors and wounded several others in a…

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Interior Department Updates Air Quality Standards

Offshore Air Standards will be more cost-effective according to Secretary Bernhardt. The Department of the Interior announced on Friday of last week, that it would be implementing new…

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NIH Announces Timeline for COVID-19 Vaccinations

Although a “very bold plan,” Director Collins feels optimistic. On Thursday, the National Institute of Health Director Francis Collins discussed the newly-announced projection of what Americans can expect…

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New York and Other States Explore Re-opening

 Contactless pay and curbside pick-up strongly encouraged. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is beginning to allow businesses in his state to partially reopen in spaced-apart waves, according to…

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Monday, May 18

Today, President Donald Trump will remain at the White House. He will host a roundtable with restaurant executives and industry leaders in the State Dining Room. Representatives of…

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Kinsman Redeemer

Before Jesus came to Earth, the Father was known as a Redeemer…

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Substantial Grants Offered for Rare Earth Research

Efficient and innovative processing a must for U.S. technologies. On Friday, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that it would be distributing up to $30 million toward scientific…

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