The Rock

With the COVID19 pandemic, the little things people have taken for granted suddenly changed…

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Pentagon Chief Addresses President’s Call for Military Force

Use of active duty military to contain demonstrations should only be a last resort. On Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper clarified the call from President Trump to…

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May Employment Figures Are Surprise

Unemployment drops as jobs post gain. The Labor Department released its labor figures for May, and they surprised everyone, except for perhaps a highly optimistic President Trump. The…

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Senate Chaplain Prays, “Inoculate Our Nation Against Hate”

“Use our lawmakers for your glory,” he said. Earlier this week, while opening the United State Senate’s session with a prayer, Senate Chaplain Barry Black employed the power…

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President Issues Emergency Infrastructure Executive Order

Environmental reviews are waived to expedite projects. On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order that would expedite permitting for infrastructure projects, building on earlier orders to ease…

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Friday, June 5

Today, President Donald Trump will travel to Guilford, Maine. He will tour Puritan Medical Products and deliver remarks at the factory. Puritan Medical Products is one of the…

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“Seek Me”

How easily do you become distracted…

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Former Presidents Clinton and Carter Speak Out

Racial injustice must be overcome. Former President Bill Clinton issued a statement saying, “No one deserves to die the way George Floyd did. And the truth is, if…

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Speaker Pelosi Calls for Police Reforms

Asks Black Caucus for input. In light of the ongoing protests around the nation calling for police reform due to the continued disproportionate force against people of color…

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Iran Releases U.S. Veteran

After nearly two years, “the nightmare is over.” Navy veteran Michael White is on his way home to the United States after he was released from being in…

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