Issue 441

June 4th – June 10th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION Brooke Rollins, acting director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, said, “This president and…

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Know God, Know Hope

Romans 3:5 – Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to…

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Thursday, June 4

President Donald Trump continues to work on the reopening of the country. On Tuesday, the president issued a Memorandum on Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond…

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Between Fear and Faith

Have you ever been stuck in that miserable no-man’s land…

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Former President Bush Speaks Out

Justice for all is the duty of all, he said. Former President George W. Bush voiced his support for protestors against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis…

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President Trump Visits Church Burned in Riots

U.S. Park Police disperse violent demonstrators to adhere with D.C. mayor’s curfew. President Trump pledged to mobilize military forces against looters across the nation on Monday. “We are…

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Supreme Court Issues Opinions

Five separate cases decided. Earlier this week, the Supreme Court issued their opinions in the following cases: Financial Oversight Board for Puerto Rico v. Aurelius Investment, LLC had…

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Coronavirus Vaccine Possible by Year End

Timing is unprecedented, Army researcher says. On Tuesday, Colonel Wendy Sammons-Jackson, director of the Military Infectious Disease Research Program, told reporters that it was reasonable to expect there…

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Department of Education Rules in Title IX Question

Biological males are not permitted to compete in female sports. The Department of Education ruled last week that allowing biologically male athletes to compete in female events violates…

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White House Studying Additional Stimulus Options

Looking for ways to incentivize reopening phase. President Trump and his senior advisers plan to meet this week to review options for the next coronavirus relief package. The…

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