“Seek Me”

How easily do you become distracted…

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Former Presidents Clinton and Carter Speak Out

Racial injustice must be overcome. Former President Bill Clinton issued a statement saying, “No one deserves to die the way George Floyd did. And the truth is, if…

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Speaker Pelosi Calls for Police Reforms

Asks Black Caucus for input. In light of the ongoing protests around the nation calling for police reform due to the continued disproportionate force against people of color…

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Iran Releases U.S. Veteran

After nearly two years, “the nightmare is over.” Navy veteran Michael White is on his way home to the United States after he was released from being in…

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House Judiciary Committee to Hear Whistleblower Complaints

Concerns expressed of politicization of the Justice Department. The House Judiciary Committee announced on Tuesday that it would be hearing from whistleblowers from within the Justice Department about…

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Dr. Birx Cautions About False Sense of Security

She also discussed challenges with the supply chain. Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, is cautioning people that the coronavirus danger is not over.…

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Eugene Scalia, Secretary of Labor

State jobless rolls lowered for the first time since the pandemic began at the end of May, showing signs that people are starting to return to work.

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Jack Reed, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island

A bipartisan group of senators will include the Pacific Defense Initiative in a defense policy bill that “will enhance budgetary transparency and oversight, and focus resources on key military capabilities to deter China.”

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Judge Jacqueline Nguyen, U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

A federal appeals court upheld California Governor Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order banning in-church services to blunt the spread of coronavirus, over First Amendment arguments.

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General Stephen Townsend, Commander, Africa Command

The United States Africa Command says Moscow has deployed fighter jets to Libya to bolster Russian mercenaries that are supporting rebel commander Khalifa Haftar of the Libyan National Army.

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