National Parks Service Gets New Acting Director

Interior Secretary taps Fish and Wildlife Service leader. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced Margaret Everson has taken over the duties of Director of the National Parks…

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U.S. Secretary of State Heads to Central Europe

He will meet with officials in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, and Poland. On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo begins a tour through Central Europe. In their respective…

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President Signs COVID-19 Executive Orders

Postpones Income Tax Collection and Promises Future Forgiveness if Reelected Over the weekend, President Trump signed a series of executive orders designed to break the stalemate between Democrats…

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Entitlement Programs

“All faith traditions follow a similar directive to honor father and mother and to care for widows and orphans. Social Security is a modern-day manifestation of our commitment to care for the last, the least, and the lost.”

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Tuesday, August 11

Today, President Donald Trump will remain in Washington, D.C. at the White House. He will be participating in a call with America’s Sheriffs in the early afternoon. This…

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Crimson Stained

The blood of Jesus cleanses from all unrighteousness.

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Your Driver

What you believe drives what you do! 1 Corinthians 14:33 – For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. God’s plan for you is to…

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Shooting Occurs Outside White House

Secret Service escorted President Trump from briefing session. President Trump was holding a coronavirus briefing when he was interrupted mid-sentence by a Secret Service agent beckoning to him.…

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Gulf States Encourage Extension of Arms Embargo

Middle Eastern nations concerned with Iran’s continued aggressive action. The six countries that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council have submitted a joint statement supporting the extension of…

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97,000 Children Test Positive for Virus

Testing covered last two weeks of July. Across the nation, parents, teachers and children are concerned about returning to in-classroom education. In the final two weeks of July,…

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