Senator Cruz Questions Pentagon’s Stance on Religion

Sends letter to Secretary of Defense after Christian U.S. Air Force veteran’s talk was canceled. In a letter to Defense Secretary Esper, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas indicated…

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President Signs $3 Billion Conservation Bill

Nothing like it since Teddy Roosevelt, the president said. On Tuesday, President Trump signed legislation that devotes nearly $3 billion each year to conservation projects, outdoor recreation, and…

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COVID Relief Bill Talks Resume on Capitol Hill

Negotiations on unemployment aid pose a challenge. Talks resumed Tuesday behind closed doors over the next tranche of coronavirus aid.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority…

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PRESS RELEASE: America’s Prayer Life

Since the advent of the Coronavirus crisis millions of Americans have addressed the fears and challenges raised by COVID-19 through prayer.

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Secretary Pompeo Warns of TikTok Data Mining

Warns that the facial recognition could be given to adversarial nation. Over the weekend, Secretary Pompeo threw in his support with President Trump’s proposed ban on the social…

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Tuesday, August 4

This morning, President Donald Trump will sign H.R. 1957, The Great American Outdoors Act. Introduced in the Senate this past March, the bill establishes the National Parks and…

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God Power

Where you place your faith will determine your strength!

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Listen and Learn

What’s between your ears? Proverbs 1:5 – Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance. A father told his young son,…

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Economic Security

“Sound macroeconomic policies enhance the credibility of the government and strengthen the political institutions. This credibility is vital for economic stability”

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NASA Astronauts Return to Earth Safely

First commercial American manned flight successful. On Sunday, two NASA astronauts safely splashed down off the coast of Pensacola, Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. The landing marked…

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