State Department Announces Visa Restrictions on China Execs

Illegal commerce in South China Sea spurs action. On Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced restrictions on China-owned entities and their executives due to unlawful activities in…

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Slow Down

Watch the caution signs on the “freeway of life.” James 1:19-20 – Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow…

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Friday, August 28

President Donald Trump will receive a briefing on Hurricane Laura today. In the evening, the president will travel to Londonderry, New Hampshire to attend a rally at Pro…

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His Solutions

There is nothing the Lord cannot handle.

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CDC Drops General Quarantine Recommendation for Travelers

Cautions that exposure may still transmit coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently updated travel guidelines by removing the suggestion that international and interstate travelers quarantine…

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Members of Congress Condemn QAnon

Declaration warns of conspiracy group. This week a bipartisan group of lawmakers presented a resolution to the House of Representatives condemning the growing conspiracy theory QAnon. This resolution…

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Administration to Invest $1Billion in Artificial Intelligence

Technological advancement funds include quantum computing. “Today, the Trump Administration is making an unprecedented investment to strengthen American leadership in AI [artificial intelligence] and quantum, and to ensure…

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Economy Showing ‘Signs of Life,’ Fed Official Says

Still in a “tentative” stage, she added. Esther George, the President of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, said the economy is beginning to show “signs of life,” and…

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Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General

The Postmaster General told lawmakers that he planned to resume some cost-cutting measures after the election.

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Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senator from New York

Eliminating the Senate’s legislative filibuster will be on the table if Democrats become the majority in November, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said.

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