Congress Returns to Washington, D.C.

Hoping for unity surrounding COVID-19 aid legislation. Following the Summer recess that ended on Labor Day, members of the Senate returned to Washington, D.C. on Monday with a…

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Defense Department Confirms Microsoft Deal

Tech giant will provide cloud services for U.S. military. Following a protest from Amazon, the Department of Defense announced on Monday that it would still be pursuing Microsoft…

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Wednesday, September 9

President Donald Trump is at the White House today and will be meeting with members of the intelligence community. During this meeting, the president will receive updates on…

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The Cancel Culture

Rewriting history can be a dangerous game. Psalm 16:8 – I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not…

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Be Right with God

Obedience is the reflection of love.

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Senate May Vote on Virus Aid This Week

White House and House Speaker yet to agree on terms. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said a proposal will be introduced in the Senate this week to provide…

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A Responsible Legacy

You have the answer for a confused generation. Deuteronomy 11:19 – You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house,…

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Interior Department Seeks to Expedite Energy Projects

50 projects total being reviewed for permit exemption to accelerate COVID recovery. The Department of the Interior has submitted a list of major energy and infrastructure projects to…

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Justice Department Updates Merger Remedies Guidelines

The rules have remained unchanged for nearly 10 years. The Department of Justice announced on Friday that it would be updating its merger remedies guidelines. These rules determine…

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U.S. Unemployment drops below 9%

1.4 million jobs were added in August. In August the unemployment rate in the United States dropped below 9% for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic knocked…

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