David Bernhardt, Secretary of the Interior

No one will be removing or renaming landmark monuments in Washington, D.C, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt proclaimed.

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Barbara Lee, U.S. Representative for California

Legislation was introduced last week in both the House and Senate that would label racism as a national public health crisis.

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Judge Neomi Rao, D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals

The Due Process clause of the Constitution does not apply to foreign detainees at Guantanamo Bay, ruled a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

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Actions Are Louder Than Words

Stop, look and listen. 1 John 3:18 – Little children, let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth. Ralph Waldo Emerson is…

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Lieutenant General JT Thompson, Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, U.S. Space Force

Catching up or surging ahead of rivals in space comes down to a simple, self-evidence concept: speed, says Lieutenant General JT Thompson, Commander, Space and Missile Center.

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Issue 455

September 10th – September 16th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The Department of Justice will reportedly file antitrust charges against Google later this month focused…

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Thursday, September 10

President Donald Trump will have a working lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today. Situations involving China will be a central topic of their conversation. On Wednesday,…

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Right in God’s Sight

Check the calibration of your compass!

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President Expands Offshore Drilling Ban

An existing moratorium on new drilling sites is being extended. On Tuesday, President Trump announced that the ban on new oil and gas drilling sites in the eastern…

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Federal Grants go to Domestic Violence Programs

Millions in Covid-19 aid focused on home life in tribal regions. Deputy director of the the U.S. Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women, Laura Rogers joined federal…

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