Monday, September 14

President Donald Trump will travel to Sacramento, California, to receive a briefing from emergency officials on the wildfires that are devastating that state. Over 3 million acres have…

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Fresh Every Day!

Let the Word of God shine brightly in your life.

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Microsoft Calls Out Russia and Others for Hacking

Russia says election meddling charges are “unsubstantiated.” Hackers linked to Russia, China and Iran were trying to spy on people linked to presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe…

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Pandemic Takes Toll on Mental Health

Isolation harshest on young adults, poll shows. The health of young Americans has been harshly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, particularly in the area of mental health. A…

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Interior Announces Wetland Conservation Projects

Over $130 Million in funding apportioned.  The Department of the Interior announced this week that over $130 million dollars had been set aside for wetland conservation across the…

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President Aimed to Avoid Panic over COVID-19

Says downplaying coronavirus threat was to prevent overly frightening people. In a new book on the Trump presidency by Bob Woodward, President Trump admitted back in March that…

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Hope Won’t Disappoint

Hope is God’s gift in dark days. Romans 5:5 – And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through…

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Living Water

Draw from the Well that never runs dry!

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Sunday, September 13

Today, President Donald Trump is continuing his visit to Nevada. He is in Las Vegas to take part in campaign events, meet with local residents, and attend fundraisers.…

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DOJ Takes Over President’s Defamation Lawsuit

Will defend the president against woman claiming she was raped by him. The Department of Justice announced on Tuesday that it would be taking responsibility for the defense…

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