Judge Laurie Michelson, Eastern Michigan U.S. District Court

The use of chokeholds, rubber bullets, and chemical agents by Detroit police against demonstrators and legal observers has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge.

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Issue 456

September 17th – September 23rd, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The president and first lady attended a memorial service at the Flight 93 National Memorial…

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Chad Sbragia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China

The Chinese Navy is the largest in the world, with a fleet of more than 350 ships that include a fast-growing armada of destroyers, carriers and submarines, a reality which raises concerns with Pentagon and Navy weapons developers, according to a new Pentagon report.

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Blessings in Motion

Two types of blessing are available both to receive and to give.

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Thursday, September 17

President Donald Trump will participate in a credentialing ceremony for new ambassadors to Washington, D.C. this morning in the Oval Office. The credentials the foreign ambassadors present at…

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Finding Rest

Just let go! Matthew 11:28-30 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and…

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Treasury Reports Increase in U.S. Debt for Fiscal Year

$3 trillion dollar deficit surpasses previous records.  In their monthly report last week, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the debt left behind as the country sought…

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State Department Warns of China Travel

Says China could wrongfully detain American citizens.  The Department of State announced on Tuesday that travel to mainland China and Hong Kong was no longer safe for Americans.…

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President Trump Signs Drug Price Executive Order

Requires American companies to match international prices. On Sunday, President Trump continued progress toward his campaign promise of lowering drug prices in America by signing a new executive…

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Legacy of Righteousness

He who plants the seed increases the harvest.

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