Secretary DeVos Publishes Rule on First Amendment Protections

Institutions infringing on students’ freedoms of speech and religion will jeopardize federal funding. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced the “Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges…

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Friday, September 18

Today is The Presidential Prayer Team’s 19th anniversary and we are humbled to have served the people of this great country throughout these years. Together we have prayed…

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It is time to discard labels. John 17:21 – I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one. In his new book, Peace Talks…

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Treasure the Heavenly

What you worry about reveals what you value!

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Doctors Express Concerns over COVID-19 and Flu Season

CDC Director says the fall and winter will be “complicated.” While the numbers of COVID-19 cases have been steadily declining since the spike in mid-summer, U.S. health officials…

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House of Representatives Releases 737 Max Disasters Report

Findings hold Boeing and FAA accountable. On Wednesday, the House of Representatives released their findings in the cause of two Boeing 737 Max crashes that claimed the lives…

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Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony Held at the White House

UAE, Bahrain, and Israel affirm normalized relations in Middle East peace agreements. Leaders from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Israel met with President Trump at the White…

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U.S. Outlines Vaccine Distribution Plan

Officials expect vaccine by end of the year.  Federal health agencies released a report to Congress on Wednesday outlining the needed steps to assure that a coronavirus vaccine…

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Dr. Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health

Placing a clinical hold on a coronavirus vaccine shows scientists are operating with due caution, said Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health.

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Ben Sasse, U.S. Senator from Nebraska

Massive changes are needed to improve the functioning of the United States Senate, including the repeal of the 17th Amendment, Senator Ben Sasse wrote in a recent op-ed.

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