TikTok and WeChat Bans Go Into Effect on Sunday

Commerce Department barring hosting or transferring internet traffic associated with apps.  The Department of Commerce announced on Friday that the United States would be continuing its efforts to…

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Saturday, September 19

Today, President Donald Trump is traveling to Fayetteville, North Carolina, to meet with voters and local residents and to take part in campaign events. He is expected to…

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Serve One Another

Looking for the quality of life? Isaiah 58:10 – If you pour yourself out for the hungry, and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light…

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Side Effects

The life-sustaining benefits far outweigh the danger.

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Wait on the Lord

Psalm 27:14 – Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! There is a reason the Bible is referred to…

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PRAYER ALERT – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies at 87

Complications come from a lengthy battle with metastatic pancreatic cancer. Following twenty-seven years serving on the U.S. Supreme Court, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at the…

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DHS Investigating Whistleblower Claims

Nurse alleges crimes against humanity at ICE facility. Earlier this week, a nurse identified as Dawn Wooten released allegations that an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility…

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Justice Department Getting Tough on Anarchists

Seditions charges encouraged for violent activists. In a memo that was sent internally to the Justice Department, Attorney General Barr directed the Justice Department to prioritize arresting and…

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Roundtable on Sickle Cell Disease Held by First Lady

100k Americans affected, including approximately 1 in 365 African-Americans. First Lady Melania Trump hosted a roundtable discussion earlier this week at the White House regarding Sickle Cell Disease…

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Secretary DeVos Publishes Rule on First Amendment Protections

Institutions infringing on students’ freedoms of speech and religion will jeopardize federal funding. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced the “Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges…

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