Bill Would Establish Commission on Presidential Capacity

“This is not about President Trump,” Speaker Pelosi said. Legislation was unveiled by the House majority on Friday to create a panel that would gauge a president’s capacity…

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Dr. Fauci Says President Appears Healthy

President Trump says he is feeling well. On Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said President Trump looks healthy. “He certainly looks good and apparently feels good,” Dr. Fauci said.…

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Speaker Rules Out Stand-Alone Airline Relief Bill

President had urged individual stand-alone funding. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said on Thursday she would not agree to a stand-alone bill that would assist the airline…

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Friday, October 9

Today, President Donald Trump will continue to work from the White House. The president is going to be on the Rush Limbaugh Show today, holding a “virtual” rally…

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Helpless…or Not!

Are you willing to wait for God’s direction?

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Back to the Spiritual Gym

Exercising God’s way. Proverbs 24:10 – If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Months of coronavirus have kept neighborhood gyms closed.  For many,…

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Keep Running

Hebrews 12:1-2 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,…

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White House Declines CDC Contact Tracing

Will establish its own tracing effort.  The White House announced earlier this week that it would not be partnering with the CDC to track down anyone who may…

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Speaker Suggests 25th Amendment Removal of President

She says COVID-19 rendered him unfit for office. Partisan lawmakers will be holding an event on Friday to discuss the 25th Amendment removal of President Donald Trump, Speaker…

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Vice Presidential Candidates Meet in Debate

Both urged Americans to get out and vote as they discussed key election issues. Striking a calmer tone than the presidential candidates did a week ago, Vice President…

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