PRAYER ALERT – Latest: President Returns to the White House

UPDATE: 8:30 PM EDT 10/5 President Trump praised Walter Reed for caring for him during his stay, “What a group of people.” In a video announcement following his…

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Secretary Mnuchin Pledges Direct Aid Payments to Americans

Expects next round of relief to model CARES act. Treasury Secretary Steven Munchin announced on Wednesday that he had coordinated with members of Congress to assure that both…

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Honduran Migrant Caravan Heads for the U.S.

Over 1,000 have already crossed illegally into Guatemala. Young men and women carrying backpacks and small children are among the more than 1,000 Honduran migrants that have formed…

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HHS Announces $20 Billion for Healthcare Providers

Spurred by prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders. The Department of Health and Human Services announced a fresh round of $20 billion for frontline healthcare providers dealing with…

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President Trump Lowers 2021 Refugee Cap

Accepted asylum seekers set at record low of 15,000. Late Wednesday, the State Department, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services submitted the President’s Report to Congress on…

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Friday, October 2

President Donald Trump’s schedule for the day has been canceled. On Thursday night, President Donald Trump announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for…

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Our Real Fight

Ephesians 6:12 – For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the…

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Feelings Aside

We walk by faith, not by how we feel.

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Stay Where the Light Is

Mirror God’s light in your life. Isaiah 49:9 ERV –You will tell those who are in darkness, “Come out of the dark!” A power outage cast darkness across…

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President Signs Stopgap Spending Bill

A government shutdown has been averted for the time being. On Thursday morning, President Trump signed a stopgap spending bill. The legislation allocates funding for the federal government…

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