Supreme Court to Review Immigration Policies

Will take up questions of border wall, and detention centers.  The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it would be hearing two separate challenges to President Trump’s immigration…

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President Extends Declaration on Colombian Narcotics Trafficking

National emergency has continued since 1995. President Trump sent notice to Congress and published to the National Registrar on Monday the extension of the National Emergency regarding narcotics…

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DOJ Reports Charges Against Russian Hackers

Federal grand jury indicts six Russian military intelligence agents in malware attacks. Six agents of the Russian Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) were charged by a federal grand jury…

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America’s Borders to Remain Closed

Non-essential travel restricted until November 21. The Department of Homeland Security said Monday the United States’ land borders between Canada and Mexico will remain closed to all non-essential…

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Nation Sees Record-Breaking Early Voting Turn Out

Over 22 million votes already cast.  As states around the nation have opened up their polling stations for voters to cast their ballots for the 2020 election, a…

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Council Created for One Trillion Trees Initiative

President signs executive order on tree conservation. The White House announced last week that President Trump had signed an executive order creating a new interagency council that would…

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Monday, October 19

Today, President Donald Trump will travel from Nevada to Arizona. He will participate in campaign events in Prescott and in Tucson. Over the weekend, prior to departing for…

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Complacent and Pitiable

Gratitude can ebb away when people get too comfortable.

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No need for indecision James 1:5 – If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be…

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NASA Announces New Space Partners

Partnerships will develop new space technologies.  On Thursday, NASA announced that it had determined the organizations that it would be partnering with over the next few years to…

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