Labor Department Releases Jobs Numbers

Unemployed Americans drop by 55,000 last week. The Labor Department released its updated diagnostic of the American jobs market on Thursday. The finding from their report was that…

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FDA Officially Approves COVID Therapeutic

Remdesivir is the first officially approved treatment for COVID-19 in the U.S. Following new results published in the New England Journal of Medicine Thursday from Gilead Science’s Phase…

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Saturday, October 24

Today, President Donald Trump is staying at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida. Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere said that, in the morning, “President Trump…

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Once Proud

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord!

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Phone a Friend

Encouraging one another is God’s way. Isaiah 41:6 – Everyone helps his neighbor and says to his brother, “Be strong!” There can be little doubt that America, and…

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Global Covid Cases Resurge

Numbers climb to all-time high of 330,000 cases per day.  COVID-19 has found a new foothold in the relaxed nature of the “new normal.” “The numbers are going…

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Presidential Contenders Meet in Final Debate

Voters see more restrained exchange than first meeting. President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden engaged one another in their final debate Thursday evening. With less than…

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U.S. Embassy in Turkey Issues Terror Alert

Americans and foreigners in Istanbul potential targets of terror attacks and kidnappings. On Friday, the U.S. embassy in Turkey issued a warning about possible terror attacks against American…

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U.S. Signs International Family-Based Agreement

“An unprecedented defense of the unborn abroad,” Secretary Pompeo says. In a virtual signing ceremony on Thursday, the United States inked its acceptance of an international declaration designed…

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President Releases Plan to Combat Human Trafficking

Determined to “eradicate this evil from our cities, suburbs, rural areas and tribal lands.” This week, corresponding with the announcement of the opening of DHS’ Center for Countering…

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