
Let His love grow in you and reproduce!

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Thursday, November 12

Today, President Donald Trump will have a working lunch with Vice President Mike Pence. On Wednesday, the president declared emergency conditions for the state of Florida due to…

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Supreme Court Hears Obamacare Case

Argument questions the legality of law without fine for mandate.  The Supreme Court took up a major healthcare case on Tuesday, as it once again took up the…

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President Honors Veterans at Arlington Ceremony

Wreath placed at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Marking Veterans Day, President Trump attended a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery accompanied by First Lady Melania Trump as well…

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McConnell and Schumer Re-Elected as Senate Party Leaders

The political parties offered no challenges to either senator. Senators voted Tuesday to maintain the status quo in their respective party leadership teams. There were no leadership challenges…

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DOJ to Look into Election Tampering

Attorney General finds allegations warrant investigation. On Tuesday, Attorney General William Barr announced that he had authorized federal prosecutors across the United States to look into and prosecute…

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Final Authority

There is no authority except from God Romans 13:1 – Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and…

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Wednesday, November 11

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will take part in the National Veterans Day Observance held at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. White House Deputy…

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It Is What You Are

What do YOU bring to the culture?

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Major Breakthrough in COVID-19 Vaccine

Vice President celebrates progress of Operation Warp Speed. A major breakthrough in the search for a COVID-19 vaccine was announced on Monday. The drug company Pfizer Inc. stated…

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