
How strong is your hupomone today? Faith can be born from trials and difficult times.

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CDC Issues Thanksgiving Guidelines

Some hospitals reportedly near virus case capacity. In the first ten days of November, more than one million new confirmed cases of the coronavirus were reported as all…

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Jobless Claims at Lowest Since March

Businesses lament lack of available workers. New applications for unemployment benefits fell sharply to 709,000 last week, down from 757,000 the week before. The numbers suggest layoffs are…

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Interior Announces Conservation Achievements

Invasive mussles in western U.S. waters targeted by Department. The Interior Department announced on Monday that it had made major gains in the protection of waterways in the…

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Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services

It will take several weeks for regulators to receive and process data on Pfizer Inc.’s vaccine for the coronavirus before the government could potentially approve it, Secretary Azar said.

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Rick Scott, U.S. Senator from Florida

“We must remember that we haven’t beaten this,” Senator Rick Scott stated in a push for his “American-Made Protection for Healthcare Workers & First Responders Act” that would boost U.S. stockpiles.

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Judge Gary Feinerman, Northern Illinois U.S. District Court

A key immigration rule that would deny green cards to immigrants who use food stamps or other public benefits was struck down by a federal judge in Chicago.

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Faith Under Pressure

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve been placed in the spin cycle of your washing machine? Things are whirling about in vicious cycles, and you wonder what is going on and when will it end.

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Issue 464

November 12th – November 18th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION Attorney General William Barr authorized U.S. attorneys across the country to “pursue substantial allegations” of…

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General Paul M. Nakasone, Director, National Security Agency, Commander Cyber Command

Secret operations by the U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency stopped foreign interference in the presidential election, General Paul Nakasone said.

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