No Darkness at All

Walk in the light as He is in the light. John 12:46 – I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may…

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True Peace

Not as the world gives, does He give.

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President Trump Delivers Update on Vaccine

The distribution chain is in place and ready, he said. Speaking from the Rose Garden Friday afternoon, President Trump addressed the nation on the status of COVID-19 vaccines…

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Taiwan Not Part of China, Secretary Pompeo Affirms

China says it will retaliate if moves are made that undermine its interests. In a radio interview Thursday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “Taiwan has not been…

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U.S. Borrows to Offset Economic Impact of COVID-19

Nation’s budget deficit surpasses $284.1 billion. The United States will start 2021 with the largest budget deficit it has ever seen according to numbers released by the Department…

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Nation Prepares for Vaccine Distribution

Federal government crafts strategies as nation faces highest infection rate of entire pandemic.  With the announcement that major advancements have been made in the search for a viable…

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Too Many Voices

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve been placed in the spin cycle of your washing machine? Things are whirling about in vicious cycles, and you wonder what is going on and when will it end.

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The Ant and The Savior

God has given you work to do. Are you doing it?

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Friday, November 13

President Donald Trump will receive a briefing on Operation Warp Speed today. The program is a partnership of the Department of Health and Human Services with the Department…

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How strong is your hupomone today? Faith can be born from trials and difficult times.

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