House of Representatives Return to Washington

Ending current session with sights on new term in January. Members of the House of Representatives returned to Washington, D.C. on Monday to kick off the remaining session…

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Weak faith? Strong Christ! 1 Peter 5:10 – After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory…

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Tuesday, November 17

Today, President Donald Trump has no public events on his calendar. He is expected to remain at the White House, attending to the duties of the executive office.…

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Friends Across Time

Consider the influence of those in your inner circle.

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Interior Announces Conservation Fund Distributions

New criteria set for greater outdoor access. The Department of the Interior announced on Friday of last week that it had begun distributing money from the Land and…

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Thousands of Trump Supporters in Washington Saturday

They sang the National Anthem at conclusion of their vast rally. Tens of thousands of supporters of President Trump gathered in Washington on Saturday for what was billed…

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Census Case Back in District Court

Full trial in 2021 expected. The Supreme Court had already closed a case on the 2020 census in favor of the president’s administration, abruptly ending official counting in…

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True Freedom

You have already been set free! 2 Peter 2:19 – They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that…

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Your Work Matters

Make an impact on this world for His kingdom.

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Monday, November 16

President Donald Trump will meet with Vice President Mike Pence for a working lunch at the White House today. They will likely discuss what the next moves are…

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