U.S. Imposes More Sanctions on Iran

Secretary Pompeo supports “maximum pressure” approach. Sanctions were placed on a top Iranian charity and its affiliates Wednesday by the State Department and U.S. Treasury, who stated that the…

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Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security

The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security has a trip scheduled to Latin America for the week of December 7 to advance discussions on topics from cargo security to cybercrime and criminal fugitives.

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Dick Durbin, U.S. Senator from Illinois

“The last four years did not break America, but revealed what was already broken,” Senator Dick Durbin said.

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Judge Amit Mehta, District of Columbia U.S. District Court

District Judge Amit Mehta is considering arguments in a disputed order related to the protection of confidential information in the Justice Department’s antitrust lawsuit filed against Google.

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God desires that you keep your spiritual momentum moving and will prompt you when you are slowing down, so that you might be revitalized and reconnect with Him. Do you feel that prompt today?

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Major General Mike Lutton, USAF, Commander, 20th Air Force

Major General Mike Lutton, the nuclear forces commander, says he expects no operational changes as the New START nears its expiration.

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Issue 465

November 19th – November 25th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with the Istanbul-based spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox…

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Special Instrument

Are you available for God’s purpose?

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Thursday, November 19

Today, President Donald Trump has no public events on his agenda today and is expected to remain in Washington, D.C. On Wednesday, President Trump released a message regarding…

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Uniform Precautions Called for Amid COVID-19 Spike

Dr. Fauci recommends national mask compliance. On Tuesday, the United States recorded an increase in the number of people having tested positive for COVID-19 to 11.1 million, with…

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