Supreme Court Overturns Stay of Federal Execution

 Eighth federal execution to be carried out this year. A judge had ordered a stay on the execution of Orlando Hall, expressing concerns over the humaneness of the…

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Wrigley Field Designated as a National Historic Landmark

Interior Department recognizes home of the Chicago Cubs as a national treasure. The Interior Department announced on Thursday that Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs has been…

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Established Purpose

Choices have consequences. That is as true for the child caught with his hand in the cookie jar as it is for the voting public in the time of elections.

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Sunday, November 22

For day two of the Virtual 2020 G20 Summit, President Donald Trump will be attending sessions from the White House in Washington, D.C. today. During Saturday’s sessions, the…

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Head to Heart to Hands

Let His truth permeate your being and shine through your life.

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Infection Rate Surges Across the Nation

U.S. COVID-19 fatalities pass quarter million. More than 250,000 American lives have reportedly been claimed by the COVID-19 virus, according to the latest estimates from Johns Hopkins University…

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COVID-19 Antibody Treatment Cleared for Emergency Use

Health and Human Services commits to placing drug where needed most. The Food and Drug Administration cleared the experimental antibody treatment developed by Eli Lilly for emergency use…

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New Rules from Administration Aim at Drug Prices

Rules can go into effect right away. President Trump announced Friday that his administration was issuing two new rules that are aimed at lowering drug prices for the…

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“In order to realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the stress of the storm.” Is America weathering the storms without God?

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Healthy Reproof

God desires what is best for you.

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