Issue 466

November 26th – December 2nd, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued a proposed new rule that would…

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Chris Miller, Acting Secretary of Defense

The decision by President Trump to draw down troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq is consistent with existing policy, said Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller.

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School Systems Seeing Increased Failure Rates

Virtual learning is less than effective. School districts across the nation are reporting increased rates of failure from virtual learning. One Virginia district reported the percentage of failing…

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Surgeon General Expresses Concern over Thanksgiving Travel

Urges avoidance of holiday gatherings. The U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams made a call to Americans to avoid all large gatherings during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He…

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Congress Considering Next Round of Aid

December 26 deadline for 12 Million jobless Americans draws closer. 12 million Americans are set to lose their emergency jobless benefits on December 26, if no further action…

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The Farewell Address given by President George Washington 225 years ago, showed his deep concern for the unity of the then-infant nation.

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Legacy of Faith

Remember with gratitude God’s goodness and provision.

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Wednesday, November 25

As President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump prepare for the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend, they will remain in the White House in Washington, D.C. today. They…

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President Consents to Preliminary GSA Transition Protocols

Biden team forges ahead with nominations and appointments. President Trump and his officials gave the go-ahead for preliminary transition protocols to proceed to the team of former Vice…

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U.S. Provides Weapons to the Philippines

Promises to continue to defend island nation. The United States announced on Monday that it intended to continue to protect the island nation of the Philippines against foreign…

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