Time for Thanksgiving

When you don’t feel thankful. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. In 1981,…

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Monday, November 30

President Donald Trump will remain at the White House today and meet with Vice President Mike Pence for a working lunch. The president and vice president are likely…

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Words You Can Count On

God’s Word lasts forever.

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USS Nimitz Ordered Back to Persian Gulf

Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists has stirred revenge threats. The Pentagon announced Saturday that it has sent the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier back to the Middle East. It…

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Supreme Court Rules for Worshippers

New York governor may not ban gatherings due to COVID. In a 5-4 decision right before Thanksgiving, the Supreme Court barred New York from enforcing certain limits on…

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Administration Hosts Rethink Work-Based Learning Event

Education and Labor Departments collaborate on Career Technical and Adult Education. This month, a group of leaders from business, workforce, and education met for a “Rethink Work-Based Learning”…

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Eliminate Doubt

Why are people so ready to believe falsehoods—and to repeat them? Psychologists suggest a lot can be explained about the mental shortcuts people take.

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Sunday, November 29

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are remaining at Camp David, Today. They have no public events on their schedule and will be returning to the…

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Priceless Gifts

Christ truly sets you free.

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Interior Department Announces Conservation Projects

Over $125 million in projects funded.  The Interior Department announced last week that the Great American Outdoors Act Coordination and Implementation Task Force had determined which projects would…

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