Labor Department Reports Climbing Unemployment

Data released last week updates covid impact. Labor Department reports paint an increasingly concerning picture of the impact of the pandemic on the U.S. economy. The most recent…

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CDC to Decide Who Gets Vaccine First

They will hold a meeting Tuesday to determine who goes to the top of the list. According to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, two coronavirus vaccines…

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Hackers Target Vaccine Maker

North Korean hacking group suspected. AstraZeneca, one of the drug makers who has completed testing on a coronavirus vaccine, claims suspected North Korean hackers have tried to break…

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Joyous Prospects

How do you approach your personal time with the Lord? Is it like Christmas morning, a chore for the day — or somewhere in between? God delights in His time with us.

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Tuesday, December 1

Today, President Donald Trump has no public events on his schedule. On Monday, the president’s administration held its 43rd governors’ briefing since January of this year regarding COVID-19…

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Don’t get so focused on what you hope God will do that you miss what He is doing!

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First Lady Unveils White House Christmas Décor

Patriotic theme is “Tribute to the Majesty of our Great Nation.’ First Lady Melania Trump released photographs Monday of the Christmas decorations at the White House. “’America the…

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Aid to Unemployed Set to Expire

Nearly 14 million Americans will lose benefits. According to a Department of Labor Report, millions of American families receiving unemployment benefits under pandemic programs will see them expire…

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Pfizer Begins Deliveries of Vaccine to U.S.

Chartered flights bringing the drug from Belgium. United Airlines is reported to have begun operating charter flights late last week to better position Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for distribution…

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U.S. Begins Base Closures in Afghanistan

The troop drawdown continues. As part of the deal reached last February with the Taliban, the United States has closed at least ten bases across Afghanistan. The base…

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