FBI Warns of Cyber Criminals Targeting Hospitals

Health care systems vulnerable amidst increase in virus cases. As the FBI alerted health care providers to the potentiality of escalating cyber attacks, the University of Vermont Medical…

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U.S. Trade Deficit Rises by 1.7%

Nation imports $64.1 billion more than it exports. The Commerce Department announced on Friday that the trade deficit grew by 1.7% in October, as the nation brought in…

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Wisconsin High Court Declines Trump Campaign Challenge

Sends case to lower court, does not rule on the merit of the evidence provided.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court voted this past week to decline to hear the…

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Defense Bill Would Halt Afghan Troop Drawdown

Act would require assessment before troop level can decrease. A congressional conference report released last week includes language aimed at preventing a U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, in…

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Plans For You

The plans of God may appear unknowable from the earthly point of view. Isaiah 40:28 – He does not faint or grow weary, his understanding is unsearchable. Among…

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The Real Deal

The Lord’s redemption comes to you through Christ.

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Sunday, December 6

President Donald Trump proclaimed the week of December 6th through December 15th as Human Rights Week. Starting today, the president urged Americans to continue the fight to protect…

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Senate to Vote on Arms Sale to UAE

President’s weapons deal may be blocked. In November, President Trump’s administration formally advised Congress of its intent to sell approximately $23 billion in advanced weaponry to the United…

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“Star of Bethlehem” Appearing Later This Month

Rare event has not been seen since Middle Ages. The two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, will align on December 21 to create what…

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Labor Department Releases November Jobs Report

Unemployment Decreases to 6.7% The Labor Department released its evaluation of the U.S. jobs market on Friday, highlighting an ongoing but slow recovery from the massive hit brought…

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