FTC and 48 States Sue Facebook over Antitrust

Tech giant has abused its dominance, they allege. The Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general of 48 states led by New York filed antitrust complaints against Facebook.…

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Supreme Court Declines Emergency Injunction Request

Lawsuit still to be heard regarding constitutional integrity of voting changes. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court denied a request for emergency injunctive relief in a lawsuit claiming changes…

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Seventeen States File in Support of Texas Lawsuit

President Trump also seeks to intervene. Texas drew support Wednesday from 17 other states that are backing its Supreme Court bid to block election certification in contested states.…

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Interior Department Distributes Energy Earnings

$8.08 billion shows 30% increase in the last 4 years. The utilization of American land for energy production has been a key income source for the federal government…

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John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence

It is rare for the head of the U.S. intelligence community to make public statements about a rival power, but DNI John Ratcliffe is embarking on a wide exposure of the security threat from China.

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Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator from Florida

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida expressed consternation that the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s disinformation is so well tolerated by Twitter and other social media platforms.

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Judge Alison Nathan, Southern New York U.S. District Court

District Judge Alison Nathan ruled, newly detained immigrants must appear before a judge within 10 days, rather than the weeks or months they have sometimes had to endure in recent years.

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Thursday, December 10

Today, President Donald Trump will have lunch with several State Attorneys General. They will be discussing the suit that was filed earlier this week by Texas AG Ken…

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Kenneth Braithwaite, Secretary of the Navy

Russia has re-militarized the Arctic according to Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite.

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Press Forward

Avoid getting stuck. Luke 19:10 – For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. In a recent radio and television program “Turning Point,”…

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