Federal Bureau of Prisons Report on Prisoner COVID Cases

Infection rate four times higher than the general population. According to reports, around 275,000 prisoners on both the state and federal level have been infected with COVID-19 since…

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Endangered Species Habitat Regulations Updated

Final rule issued by the president’s administration to comply with a 2018 Supreme Court decision. On Thursday, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized new critical habitat designation…

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President Names “1776 Commission” Members

Group created with a focus on preserving American history. President Trump named 18 people to the nation’s education system through his “1776 Commission.” They include historians, administration officials,…

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Sunday, December 20

Today, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have no public events on their schedule. They are expected to remain in Washington, D.C. and at the White…

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Christmas Peace

His earthly life fulfilled the predictions of Scripture and He will come again.

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Education Secretary Calls for Focus to Remain on Students

Preparing Department for Biden Administration.  Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos held a Department meeting with staff members last week. Her remarks focused on the upcoming transition to the…

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Low-Flow Restrictions on Showerheads Rolled Back by DOE

Also releases new classification on washers and dryers. This past week, the Department of Energy rolled back the low-flow restriction on showerheads and created a new classification for…

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Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to President’s Census Plan

“Judicial resolution of this dispute is premature,” the Court said. On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a lawsuit intended to block President Donald Trump’s plan to…

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Vice President Receives First Vaccine Dose

The second lady and surgeon general were also vaccinated. Multiple TV channels broadcasted Vice President Mike Pence receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday morning.…

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Saturday, December 19

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are expected to remain at the White House in Washington, D.C., today. They have no public events on their schedule…

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