The Great Chef

God’s “cooking” turns out well.

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Congress Launches Investigation into D.C. Demonstration

Concerns raised over Capitol police response. Following the events that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., Congress announced that it would begin an investigation into the response…

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USNS Mercy in Dock for Maintenance

Unable to travel to Los Angeles to assist with infection surge. The USNS Mercy is in maintenance in Oregon, unable to respond to the call from California officials…

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President Trump Addresses Nation

“This moment calls for healing and reconciliation,” the president said. “To the citizens of our country, serving as your president has been the honor of my lifetime.”

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Energy Department Announces “Energy for Space” Strategy

This week, the Department of Energy (DOE) released its “Energy for Space” strategy outlining recommendations for future space exploration policy. The National Space Policy unveiled recently by the…

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Friday, January 8

President Donald Trump is in Washington, D.C., at the White House. No public events are on his agenda at this time. Late on Thursday, President Trump addressed the…

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In God We Trust

He is sovereign over all.

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Unidentified Remains of U.S. Troops Returned to Hawaii

Military personnel repatriated who died and were buried in the Philippines during the Second World War. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency recently repatriated the unidentified remains of U.S.…

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Sudan to Normalize Relations with Israel

Deal allows Sudan to receive money from the World Bank in the future.  On Wednesday, Sudan announced that it had signed an agreement with the United States to…

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Congress Ratifies Electoral College Results

President Trump pledges peaceful transition of power. In proceedings that were interrupted by demonstrators overrunning the Capitol security, the joint session of Congress shortly before 4 a.m. on…

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