
His Spirit gives purpose and guidance.

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Issue 472

January 7th – January 13th, 2021 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The FBI has taken a bigger role in foreign investigations into companies with U.S. ties,…

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Protestors Interrupt Joint Congressional Session

Senators, representatives, and vice president head to secure shelters. UPDATE: 7:30 PM EST Vice President Mike Pence, along with both the Senate and House of Representatives returned to…

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USS Nimitz and Strike Group to Remain in Middle Eastern Waters

Acting Defense secretary responds to Iranian threats. After retaliatory action was threatened by top Iranian officials against the United States on the one-year anniversary of the death of…

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450 Miles of Border Wall Completed

Last panel set in place in the Yuma sector. U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced on Tuesday the completion of 450 miles of the barrier wall on the…

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Georgia Holds Senate Run-Off Election

Results to deteremine control of the U.S. Senate. On Tuesday, Georgians headed to the polls to cast their votes in the state’s two run-off elections. The state has…

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Wednesday, January 6

President Donald Trump is staying at the White House, in Washington, D.C. today. He has a variety of meetings and will take part in multiple official phone calls…

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Remember This!

There is no one like our God.

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Administration Brokers Breakthrough Mideast Deal

Saudi Arabia and Qatar agree to détente. White House adviser Jared Kushner confirmed that Saudi Arabia and its allies are expected to sign a deal officially ending a…

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Senator Hawley’s Family Threatened, Home Vandalized

Group calls it a “candlelight vigil.” Missouri Senator Josh Hawley reported that a group of Antifa appeared at his home in Washington, D.C. and “screamed threats, vandalized, and…

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