Stormy Faith

Trust in the Lord that is not tossed to and fro.

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Domestic Travel Restrictions Considered by White House

Mixed messages by administration as migrants allowed to cross southern border without tests. The president’s administration is considering imposing domestic travel restrictions as possible means of curbing the…

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President Places Sanctions on Myanmar

Funds will be released when the military steps down. On Wednesday, President Biden announced that the United States would be placing sanctions on the nation of Myanmar. This…

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DHS Investigating Counterfeit Medical Supplies

Five states have received fake N95 masks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it had launched an investigation into a large medical supplies forgery scheme that…

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Pentagon Will Lead Review of China Strategy

“Whole of government effort” ordered by President Biden. On Wednesday, President Biden ordered a Pentagon-led review of China strategy as his administration examines the military and national security…

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Robert Wood, U.S. Ambassador to the UN in Geneva

A new arms control move by the Biden Administration would cover more weapons and eventually more countries, Ambassador Robert Wood said at a UN-Sponsored Conference on Disarmament.

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Rosa DeLauro, U.S. Representative for Connecticut

Legislation has been introduced by Representative Rosa DeLauro that would extend permanent tax credits for children in low-income families.

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Judge Amy St. Eve, Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an Indiana county courthouse display that included a nativity scene does not violate the Constitution.

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Issue 477 – Verse of the Week

February 11th – February 17th, 2021 VERSE OF THE WEEK A joyful heart is good medicine. – Proverbs 17:22 The Little Things A recent article in The Wall…

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Issue 477 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs Pray for our Military National Guard adjutants general of California, Washington, and Michigan say units are stretched to their limits with deployments manning COVID-19…

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