Power Grid Failures Under Investigation

Rolling blackouts in at least 14 states. As frigid temperatures, snow, an ice cripple central and southern parts of the U.S. with massive power grid failures, federal regulators…

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President Biden Takes First Retreat to Camp David

Spent time with his children and grandchildren over the weekend. After the completion of his first three weeks in office, President Biden traveled to Camp David the traditional…

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Wednesday, February 17

Senior leaders from various labor unions from around the nation are traveling to the White House today. President Joe Biden is expected to discuss plans for federal investments…

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Day 28 – Heavens Declare God’s Glory

Day 28 – Heavens Declare God’s Glory God Who Rules the Universe, You created us as Earth-bound individuals, but You also instilled within the hearts and minds of…

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Strength in Humility

Submit yourself to the Lord.

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President Says Gun Control a Priority

Expresses the need to reduce gun violence. On the anniversary of the Parkland School shooting in Florida, President Biden called on Congress to “end our epidemic of gun…

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Department of Energy Announces Sale of Reserve Oil

Strategic Petroleum Reserve draw down to meet legislated requirements. The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced a notice of sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve…

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Airline CEOs Resist Proposed Domestic Testing

Company leaders meet virtually with White House. The president’s administration began to consider the idea of requiring COVID-19 tests not only for passengers on international flights but for…

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Free Speech Fairness Act Reintroduced in House

Representative Scalise brought the bill back up to the 117th Congress. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana was joined by Representatives Jody Hice of Georgia and Mike…

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CDC Releases Roadmap for In-Person Schooling

More evidence gives schools appropriate know-how to reopen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released its guidance for in-person schooling last Friday. It does not differ significantly…

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