General Frank McKenzie, USMC, Commander, United States Central Command

The commander of CENTCOM warns that refugee and prison camps could lead to a rebirth of ISIS due to Taliban violence, and Russian and Chinese adventurism.

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Issue 478 – Verse of the Week

February 18th – February 24th, 2021 VERSE OF THE WEEK The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18 The Pause…

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Issue 478 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs Pray for our Military The Naval Criminal Investigative Service said that an investigation has opened into the disappearance of explosives from a Marine Corps…

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Issue 478 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration On the third anniversary of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting, President Biden called…

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Issue 478 – Faith and Prayer History

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Thursday, February 18

Officials in the president’s administration met on Wednesday to discuss community-based violence intervention programs and other evidence-based programs. Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice and White House Deputy Public…

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Speaker Pelosi Calls for Investigation into January 6th

Plans to model fact-finding mission after 9/11 commission.  On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives would take its next step into analyzing the…

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National Guard in D.C. Until March

They have responded to local and federal agency requests to be there. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby announced that the National Guard troops deployed to Washington, D.C., after…

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White House Begins Investigation into Guantanamo Bay

President’s administration seeks to close the detention center facility.  The White House announced on Friday of last week that it has launched an investigation into what it would…

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President Reestablishes Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Melissa Rogers will be executive director of the office. President Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order re-establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, first…

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