Perseverance Makes Successful Mars Landing

Trip from Earth took almost seven months. The American Perseverance rover landed on Mars Thursday with a mission to search out signs of life on the red planet.…

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California Coast Guard Seizes $156 Million in Drugs

Fishing vessels intercepted carrying 9,000 pounds of cocaine. U.S. Coast Guard crews on two cutters based in Alameda, California, recently intercepted three ships in the eastern Pacific carrying…

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One-Third of Service Members Unwilling to Receive Vaccine

Defense Department will still allow unvaccinated soldiers to be deployed. On Wednesday, during a House of Representatives hearing on how the military has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic,…

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President Observes Ash Wednesday

Calls on every American to pray for one another.  On Wednesday, joining millions of Christians around the world, President Biden received ashes in observance of Ash Wednesday. The…

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President Biden Extends Foreclosure Protections

No foreclosures on homes until June 30.  On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Biden had again extended protections for homeowners facing foreclosure due to the COVID-19…

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Day 29 – God Our Defender

Day 29 – God Our Defender Heavenly Father, thank You for being our defender and our Savior. As we still live on this earth, we know that sin…

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Allison Herren Lee, Acting Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission

The Securities and Exchange Commission will give more power to its enforcement staff to launch investigations, a sign they plan to become more assertive under the current administration.

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Michael Waltz, U.S. Representative for Florida

A resolution urging the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee to propose the 2022 Winter Olympic Games be moved out of China and to stage a boycott if the International Olympic Committee doesn’t agree was introduced by Representative Michael Waltz of Florida.

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Judge Drew B. Tipton, Southern Texas U.S. District Court

Southern Texas District Judge Drew Tipton extended the temporary injunction against a federal deportation freeze. The judge will use this time to consider the lawsuit filed by the Texas attorney general.

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Unity Amid Discord

The body of the Lord must work together in love.

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