House Passes Voting Rights Act

Seeks to institute permanent changes to voting regulations. On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed a significant piece of legislation that, if passed by the Senate and signed…

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Space Force Commander Calls for Space Rules

Highlights increased need for international guidelines as more nations are active in space. This week U.S. Space Force Commander General Raymond expressed the need for rules to be…

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Supreme Court Makes Immigration Ruling

Finds the crime of “moral turpitude” grounds for deportation. In a 5-3 ruling that broke on ideological lines, the Supreme Court ruled against an undocumented immigrant who sought…

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Friday, March 5

Officials in the president’s administration will participate in a roundtable with President Joe Biden to discuss his American Rescue Plan. The president and vice president will meet with…

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Day 44 – God Our Supplier

Day 44 – God Our Supplier Most Holy God, You richly supply us and meet all our needs. It’s as You say in Philippians 4:19, You do so…

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Power in Waiting

Be strong and take heart, with your eyes on the Lord.

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NIH Invests in Advanced Research for Alzheimer’s

Entering into public-private partnership to expand therapies and interventions. The National Institutes of Health announce the launch of the next version of the program that expands scientific research…

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House Passes Justice in Policing Act

Speaker says it addresses systemic racism. The House of Representatives voted 220 to 212 to pass a policing bill named for George Floyd, the man whose death in…

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U.S. Sending $125 Million in Aid to Ukraine

Pentagon sending armed naval vessels and counterartillery. The Pentagon announced this week that $125 million in military aid will be delivered to Ukraine. Provided under the Ukraine Security…

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ASCE Gives U.S. Infrastructure Poor Grade

American Society of Civil Engineers warns of underfunded repair efforts. On Wednesday, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) announced their grade for the nation’s infrastructure. Assessed every…

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