The Best is Yet to Come!

Jesus will return and all things will be made new.

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Twelve States Sue Administration Over Climate Order

Suit argues a lack of authority to set a “social cost” for greenhouse gases. The attorneys general of twelve states have joined in a coalition to sue President…

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Supreme Court Rules in Free Speech Case

Chief Justice John Roberts was the lone dissenter. By a vote of 8-1, the Supreme Court sided with a former Georgia college student and one of his fellow…

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Congress Evaluates Alternatives to F-35 Fighters

House committee chair seeking cost-saving measures. Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Adam Smith of Washington, is looking for answers to the F-35 Joint Fighter Strike…

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Day 47 – Lord of Creation

Day 47 – Lord of Creation Dear God and Lord of Creation, thank You for creating the things that we have learned to convert into energy, whether fossil fuels,…

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Let the Spirit of the Lord govern your mind.

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Monday, March 8

Today, Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough will accompany President Joe Biden on a visit to the VA Medical Facility in Washington, D.C. The center is a COVID-19 vaccination…

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Proposed Bill Would Expand Disabled Vets’ Benefits

Senate considers concurrent benefits for medically retired veterans. Tens of thousands of veterans who have been injured on active duty and medically retired prior to serving in the…

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Astronauts Complete Spacewalk Maintenance

International Space Station sees 236th spacewalk during exterior maintenance. Astronauts Kate Rubins of NASA and Soichi Noguchi of the Japanese Space Agency performed exterior maintenance on the International…

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Legislators Seek Hearings on Crisis at Southern Border

Welfare of children needs oversight. Several members of Congress have called on the House Oversight and Reform Committee to conduct a hearing on the crisis at the southern…

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